If your Mercedes ignition (EIS) is no longer functioning or has been damaged, you can expect to pay up to $2,000 at the dealership for a replacement. You can also expect your vehicle to be there for at least two weeks.
The price and time required undoubtedly seems a bit excessive. The reason being, it is. Key Man Lock & Safe Company in Ogden, Utah has the technology and ability to complete the job at a fraction of the price. In many cases we can even complete it the same day or next day. This is a secret the Mercedes dealer does not want you to know. They will tell you they are the only ones capable of repairing your ignition and making a key to your car. This is a flat out lie. The Master Automotive Locksmiths at Key Man Lock & Safe Company have repaired and made keys to thousands of Mercedes vehicles. While the cost is not as low as many other vehicle brands, we can generally save you over 50%.
Unfortunately the task is not as simple as just replacing the ignition. In a Mercedes vehicle, the ignition does much more than just turn and start the vehicle. A Mercedes ignition has eight keys stored in it as well as an encrypted password. Even though you may have only received one or two keys when purchasing the vehicle, yes, there are eight stored inside. Simply put, we must download the ignition data, decrypt the password, save the data and password, then transfer all information to a new ignition. It sounds simple enough, but call around and you will discover no other locksmith in Utah, and just a handful in the United States can do it.
Call Key Man today at 801-675-5277 if you have lost all of your keys, have a damaged ignition, or your steering wheel lock is stuck or not functioning. We have over 25 years experience with Mercedes vehicles and have won the #1 Utah Locksmith Award 3 years straight.
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