If you are the proud owner of a Saab vehicle, you may or may not know Saab no longer exists. They filed bankruptcy, liquidated their assets, and went out of business. This move left Saab vehicle owners in a pinch in regards to keys. There no more Saab dealerships to provide spare and replacement keys.
We have great news! Key Man Lock & Safe Company in Ogden, Utah is the only locksmith in Utah (and one of the few in the United States) with the knowledge, technology, and ability to cut and program spare Saab keys and even replacement keys when all keys are lost.
We offer this service onsite at our Ogden location and by mail. If you choose our mail-in service, please contact us in advance and we will inform you of the module we need shipped to us and send you instructions for removal.
Email us at info@KeyManLockAndSafe.com or call us at (801) 675-5277 for more information.
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