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We Cut & Program All GM Keys

Glenn L.

If you own a General Motors (GM) vehicle, you have undoubtedly been told by the dealership they are the only ones who can cut and program a key for your vehicle. You are also aware of the high cost of keys from the dealership. In addition to the high cost, you are required to schedule an appointment and drop your vehicle off.

Key Man Lock & Safe Company with locations in both Ogden and Layton has GM keys in stock. Our prices are a fraction of the dealership price and no appointment is ever needed. Simply stop by and we will cut and program your key while you wait. Yes, we can even cut and program laser cut keys.

All of our key prices include cutting and programming. We are the only locksmith in Utah that does not charge additional fees for cutting and programming. The only time you are charged additional fees is if you provide your own key.

NO APPOINTMENT IS EVER NEEDED. We are Utah's highest rated locksmith for good reason. Stop by today for the best prices and service in Utah.

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