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Lost Car Keys?

Glenn L.

Losing car keys is a very stressful situation. The majority of us have done it at one point in our life. The process of replacing car keys is not always simple. Some locksmiths will disassemble your steering column or tear your door panel apart in an attempt to remove and decode your lock to fit a new key. If you choose the wrong locksmith, the process can be long, hard, damaging, and expensive.

If you have lost your car keys in Northern Utah, there is only one locksmith who can make your car keys in a quick and cost efficient manner without damaging your vehicle. Key Man Lock & Safe Company located at 128 20th St. Ogden, UT 84401 has certified, licensed, bonded, and insured automotive locksmiths, some of whom have over 20 years experience. Our locksmiths specialize in automotive as well as residential, commercial, safes, and vaults.

Our locksmiths are available 24 hours a day and can come to your location, cut, and program your car keys and have you on your way very quickly. Key Man Lock & Safe Company is the highest rated locksmith in Northern Utah. We can generate keys for 95% of the vehicles on the road today. For more information, call us at (801) 675-5277 or stop by our shop today.

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