Are you bored with the looks and function of your stock car key? Maybe you are tired of fumbling for your remote fob on your key ring. Key Man Lock & Safe Company located at 128 20th St. Ogden, UT 84401 has the answer to your problem.
Key Man Lock & Safe Company now carries a wide variety of completely custom flip keys which we can customize to fit most cars and trucks. You simply choose the style you like, then we add a chip and key blade which fits your vehicle, program the circuit board with your remote's FCC ID, and program the key and remote into your vehicle.
There is never any appointment needed at Key Man Lock & Safe Company. Stop by anytime and one of our expert automotive locksmiths will assist you immediately.
Keys like the ones pictured above cost well over $300 plus $50 to $100 for programming at the dealership, however we at Key Man generally offer our keys at least 100% lower than the dealer and $20 to $100 lower than our competitors. Many ask how we are able to offer keys so much cheaper than other locksmiths. The answer is, we are not greedy. We buy as low as possible and sell low to our customers. Sure, we make a profit, but our profits come from volume rather than high mark-ups. When we price our keys, we look at them and imagine what we would feel comfortable paying as a customer, not what we would expect to pay.
For more information visit our website at www.keymanlockandsafe.com , email us at info@keymanlockandsafe.com , or call us at (801) 675-5277.
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