Ford dealerships have been fleecing customers for years telling untruths about their keys. Your dealer will tell you they are the only ones who can provide you with a duplicate Ford key or replace them when you have lost all keys. This is simply untrue. Key Man Lock & Safe Company located at 128 20th St. Ogden, Utah 84401 has the ability to create and program Ford family (Ford, Lincoln, Mercury) at an average of 100% less expensive than the dealer and between $20 and $100 less than other locksmiths.
No appointment is ever needed at Key Man Lock & Safe Company. Simply stop by our location anytime for immediate service from one of our expert automotive locksmiths. For more information you may visit our website at www.keymanlockandsafe.com , email us at info@keymanlockandsafe.com , or call us at (801) 675-5277.
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