Key Man Lock & safe Company located at 128 20th St. Ogden, Utah 84401 is the top rated automotive locksmith in Northern Utah. Although Key Man Lock & safe Company specializes in automotive, we are full service locksmiths meaning we also service residential, commercial, industrial, and safe/vault customers.
Our company is family owned and operated by the Letteer family comprised of Glenn, Petra, Lance (3rd generation locksmith), and Xaviere-Paul (3rd generation locksmith). Our family has been involved in the locksmith trade many years and is dedicated to honesty and fair service and pricing. We are generally at least 100% less expensive than dealerships and offer our automotive keys at prices lower than other locksmiths as well.
Most locksmiths will tell you car key prices are pretty much the same from any legitimate shop. This is true to an extent, but since Key Man specializes in automotive keys, we are able to enjoy bulk prices on our keys. As such, we pass the savings on to our customers rather than charge the same prices as other locksmiths and increase profits. We believe through excellent friendly service and fair prices, our profits will increase through word of mouth advertising.
We are able to duplicate and program keys for 95% of cars on the road today. There is never a long wait at our store and no appointment is needed. Call or stop by our store today for the best prices and service in Northern Utah.
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