(Left to Right Glenn, Petra, Xaviere-Paul, Lance)
Key Man Lock & Company at 128 20th St. in Ogden, Utah is Northern Utah's most experienced automotive locksmith company. Key Man Lock & Safe Company is owned and operated by the Letteer family who have been in the locksmith business over 20 years. Not only are we automotive experts, we are also experts in the areas of residential, commercial, industrial, safes, and vaults.
Glenn is a Master Locksmith and recipient of the prestigious 2016 Diebold North American Top 1% of the Top 1% Award. Lance is a third generation Certified Locksmith currently working on his Master Locksmith certification and Xaviere-Paul is a third generation Certified Locksmith. Petra is a basic locksmith and completes our daily shop business as well as key cutting and rekeying.
Since opening our Ogden location, we have quickly become the top rated locksmith in Northern Utah due to our great prices and unbeatable friendliness and service.
The locksmiths at Key Man Lock & Safe Company have the technology and ability to cut and program keys for 95% of the vehicles on the road today including many European models. We are the only locksmith is the area capable of cutting and programing Audi, BMW, Volkswagen, Porsche, Jaguar, Saab, and Volvo.
Call us today at (801) 675-5277 or stop by our location at 128 20th St. Ogden, UT 84401.
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